Click on the first photo to make it larger so you can read it, then there will be an arrow on the right side of the picture to enable you to scroll through the album. Enjoy!
Click on the first photo to make it larger so you can read it, then there will be an arrow on the right side of the picture to enable you to scroll through the album. Enjoy!
Hover your mouse over the pictures for a description. Or you can click on the first photo to make it larger, then there will be an arrow on the right side of the picture to enable you to scroll through the album. ENJOY!
Hover your mouse over the pictures to see the name of the model and what they are modeling. Or you can click on the first photo to make it larger, then there will be an arrow on the right side of the picture to enable you to scroll through the album. ENJOY!
Thank you Joan Webb for some great photographs of this year’s annual meeting fashion show.
Thank you Jude Hernly for some great pics of the annual meeting’s fashion show on November 5, 2022.